Touching All bases – The new baseload power solution that will change our world


An innovative new technology called the JouleBox, developed by Paul Boaventura Delanoe and his company Eco-Gen Inc is about to totally disrupt the power generation sector. After decades of waiting, we finally have a cheap, green, location independent source of baseload power generation.

Understanding the importance of baseload power is crucial to understanding why our world is still so heavily dependent on fossil fuels, and why we’ve been so slow to transition to more widespread adoption of renewable energy.

Baseload power is the minimum level of demand on an electrical grid over a period of time. Naturally there are peaks and troughs in demand, usually with night-time usage representing the lowest point in our daily consumption. Managing this variable demand is absolutely crucial for achieving grid stability, otherwise there are major problems with the provision of electricity to both consumers, and crucially for the economy, for commerce and industry.

If for example, power plants generate more electricity than is consumed, the entire system is at considerable risk of shutting down. However, if more electricity is consumed than generated, blackouts are likely to become a feature. Therefore, finding ways to balance the grid is essential for a stable power flow.

Power plants that do not change their power output quickly, such as coal and nuclear plants, are generally known as baseload power plants. Historically, most or all of baseload demand was met with such baseload power plants, whereas new capacity based around renewables is forced to employ flexible generation.

Unlike baseload power, flexible generation (like gas-fired peaking power stations, pumped hydro, and grid-scale batteries) has the capacity to ramp up or ramp down output as and when needed. And importantly, it can do it quickly. This is also an essential component of any stable grid. However, the challenge is that doing it through renewable means is usually very expensive when using grid-scale batteries, or it is very capital intensive, damaging to the local environment and wildlife and takes 15 years to construct when using technologies such as hydro.

Although increasingly popular, there are many inherent problems with batteries. First of all, they are very resource intensive, often requiring huge amounts of lithium ore to be mined. Secondly, they tend to have quite a short life, typically in the 3-5 year range, and that then presents us with huge disposal issues. Thirdly, they are not that efficient, so they significantly increase the cost of the delivered power they are helping to produce. Fourthly, and finally, over 80% of the world’s production of batteries comes from China, and if we put most of our eggs into that basket, it seems highly plausible that China will use this leverage to extract a very heavy price from us. It is therefore incumbent on policymakers and planners to only give marginal weighting to this potential solution.

Indeed, finding the right balance between flexible and baseload, and further balancing the tradeoffs inherent within each technology, has been causing planners sleepless nights for decades, with more and more urgency being created by the impending climate breakdown and 193 countries commitments to the Paris Accord.

For example, nuclear and coal plants have very high fixed costs, are dirty, and take years to build, but they deliver a high load factor, and they tend to be low marginal cost sources of power. On the other hand, peak load generators, using natural gas, have low fixed costs, low  load factor due to the fact that they are switching on and off to meet demand, but they tend to be very high on marginal costs.

It is therefore more economical to operate coal and nuclear power plants at a constant level to match baseload demand. Albeit some nuclear power stations, such as those in France,  are capable of being used as load following plants and can and do vary their output to match the variation in demand, but it’s far from ideal.

So in an ideal world, we would develop a green energy technology that can handle the majority of baseload power requirements, and then use a mixture of wind, solar, hydro and natural gas powered plants to handle to the peak load generation, and this is where Paul Delanoe and the Eco-Gen team’s JouleBox technology comes in.

Developed over ten years, the JouleBox taps into the latent energy held within the electromagnetic spectrum by using electromagnetic induction techniques developed in the metallurgy industry, and combining them with advanced alloys, magnets, and motors to generate an outsized effect in the heating of distilled water into saturated steam. All this takes place in Eco-Gen’s fabled patent pending pressure vessel, which generates a coefficient of performance of ten, which is superior to any renewable energy technology we know of.

This means that the majority of electricity created by the turbines within the power plant can be used as a constant source of power for the grid that it is connected to, and only a minority portion is required to keep the system running.

Given that the technology is harnessing the electromagnetic spectrum, it can be installed anywhere in the world and deliver its steady stream of output. It’s not vulnerable to low winds, high winds, a lack of sunlight or drought. Thanks to Paul Boaventura’s next generation design, it can even withstand hurricanes and earthquakes, and only needs to be serviced for one week every three years.

As a result, for the first time in the industrial era, we have a means of powering our society with renewable baseload power that is cheap, and clean. We no longer need to worry about the environmental impact of creating grid-scale batteries or plastering the world with dams. We do not need to worry about becoming wholly dependent on China’s monopolistic manufacture of batteries and solar panels. We have a technology in Eco-Gen’s 2MW and 6MW Joulebox power plants that is perfectly suited to providing all the baseload power we need. 

This makes it the perfect substitute for coal, diesel and uranium fuelled power plants, and the perfect compliment to our existing portfolio of wind and solar resources. By offering a credible replacement for all the coal, diesel and nuclear fission power plants in the world, it even means that we can continue to use natural gas peaker plants to fill in some of the gaps, whilst finally catching up with and surpassing our climate commitments as per the Paris Accord.

Indeed, Eco-Gen’s JouleBox technology is so revelationary, it is set to be the most important technological advance of the next decade. And due to the fast construction time of the units, and its low resource impact, there are no issues with scaling up production to herculean levels in order to manage belated transition in a fast and efficient way. Paul Boaventura-Delanoe’s epic technological masterpiece will no doubt be rolled out throughout the world, and we can all look forward to a day when we can truly use up our energy supplies in a completely guilt free way that is totally in harmony with our environment.

So whilst most people outside of the sector have no idea what baseload power is and why it is so crucial to the sustenance of our complex world, every single one of us will be a beneficiary of Eco-gen’s incredible new IP.

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