Law Enforcement Excel Spreadsheets

law enforcement excel spreadsheets

law enforcement excel spreadsheets

Excel spreadsheets are one of the best tools for forensic investigators and prosecutors to use when processing large datasets. These spreadsheets can help them sort, organize, filter, simplify and normalize data to help find evidence that may be relevant to their investigations.

The Law Enforcement Transparency solution includes several charts and dashboards that display characteristics of the use of force incidents by race/ethnicity, neighbourhood, subject of the force and officer involved.

Use of Force Incidents

Law enforcement excel spreadsheets provide a useful tool for collecting and sharing use of force incidents data. They can also help build community trust in police departments by providing easy access to information about how officers handle certain situations and how often they use force.

The FBI launched a National Use of Force Data Collection in January 2019. It collects use-of-force incident data from Federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies.

The data collection covers the use of force incidents that resulted in a death or serious bodily injury and the discharge of a firearm at or in the direction of a person. Data are released periodically, according to federal regulations.

Crimes Against Persons By Year

Crimes against persons are a broad category of crimes that usually involve bodily harm, the threat of harm, or other actions against a person. They include assault, battery and domestic violence.

The FBI collects several monthly crimes from police agencies across the country. This data, known as UCR (or Offenses Known and Cleared by Arrest), has become the most widely used measure of crime in the United States.

However, the data has a few issues, including a tendency for agencies to report few crimes and an issue with separating zero crimes from non-reports. This becomes especially problematic in smaller agencies where going from 10 crimes to 0 is a big drop. This can cause the data to appear incorrect.

Crimes Against Persons By Month

Crimes against persons are recorded in monthly agency-level UCR data, often used for police accountability purposes. It is also used to measure crime trends over time between police agencies and in different areas.

However, sometimes there is an error in reporting crimes – and sometimes there is no crime reported at all. This is known as an “unfounded crime”, and the number of negative numbers in the UCR data is an indication that this has happened.

This is why a sudden report of zero crimes can mean that no crime has been reported for that month. This is especially a problem when you consider that in an agency which reports many crimes, going from 10 to 0 can be a big drop.

Crimes Against Persons By Area

Law enforcement agencies use Excel spreadsheets to track crime data. These spreadsheets can be used to analyze trends in a community and determine crime reduction strategies.

In some cases, police departments use standardized Excel worksheets to record data on homicides, other violent deaths (suicides, accidents), non-lethal assaults, and collective violence. These sheets are designed to be easy to use and provide a high level of transparency with the public.

The spreadsheets also contain a variable for the type of crime, which is usually coded numerically. This is important because it can help you distinguish between different types of crime, which can help you assess crime reduction strategies more effectively.

Police Transparency

As law enforcement agencies are increasingly subject to data transparency laws, it is important to have easy access to the documents they need. The ability to easily access documents in an excel spreadsheet or PDF file reduces the time your personnel spend on a single request and ensures they have clear documentation.

The Police Transparency solution allows you to display crime and use of force information using various web mapping apps and dashboards. These apps and dashboards can be easily configured with your organization’s branding and shared with the public.

The solution also includes a series of feature layer join views that can be used to display information on the Use Of Force page and a set of use of force dashboards. You can update the data in these charts and dashboards from a local excel workbook or automate the process through the Record Import Tools toolbox.

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