7 Back Pain Conditions That Mainly Affect Women

7 Back Pain Conditions That Mainly Affect Women

Back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders in the world. It affects 450 million people at any given time and is the third most common reason for visits to a doctor’s office.

There are many causes of back pain. However, there are a few conditions that mainly affect women because of their anatomy or hormones.

1. Sciatica

Sciatica is a pain or numbness in your back that can extend down the leg and into the foot. It’s often mistaken for low back pain, but it’s very different.

The sciatic nerve starts in your lumbar spine and branches out through your buttocks, down the back of each leg, and then into the sole of your foot.

Sciatica is caused by pressure on or damage to the sciatic nerve, usually from a herniated disc or spinal stenosis. Treatments include physical therapy, medications (Aspadol tab 100mg), and sometimes surgery.

2. Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction, or SIJ dysfunction, occurs when one or both of your sacroiliac joints become inflamed. These joints connect your pelvis to your spine.

Inflammation of the sacroiliac joint causes pain in your hips and lower back. In some cases, it may also radiate down your leg.

Your doctor will usually diagnose sacroiliac joint dysfunction by performing a thorough physical examination and x-ray or MRI imaging.

Treatment of sacroiliac joint dysfunction often includes ice and heat therapy, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Pain o soma 500mg), and physical therapy. PT exercises can help improve the function of your sacroiliac joint and may also increase flexibility and strength.

3. Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop on or inside your ovaries. Usually, they go undetected and disappear without needing medical intervention.

Most ovarian cysts occur during the menstrual cycle. Functional cysts, such as follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts, form when the follicle doesn’t release an egg during your menstrual cycle.

Other types of ovarian cysts include dermoid cysts and cystadenomas, which develop from cells on the surface of your ovaries. These cysts can be filled with fluid that is thin and watery or thicker and mucous-like.

4. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a chronic condition that affects an estimated 2 to 10 percent of women of childbearing age. It can be painful and have an impact on a woman’s fertility.

It’s important to get this condition checked early to prevent it from getting worse. If left untreated, pain may last until menopause or beyond.

The condition is caused by retrograde menstruation, which happens when menstrual blood containing endometrial cells passes back through the fallopian tubes and into the pelvic cavity instead of out of the body during periods. These endometrial cells stick to the walls of the pelvic organs and continue to grow over time, thickening and causing pain.

5. Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome is a group of unpleasant and uncomfortable symptoms that occur in women around the time of their menstrual period. Symptoms are usually mild, but for some, they can be disabling.

The condition is thought to be caused by fluctuating ovarian hormones and other factors in the body. Treatment includes changes in lifestyle, dietary habits, and supplements.

Another common cause of back pain in women is degenerative spondylolisthesis, which occurs when a vertebra slips over the one beneath it. This can cause lower back pain that radiates into the legs. Bending forward takes pressure off the spine and Pain O Soma 350mg can help ease the pain.

6. Disc Herniation

A herniated disc occurs when part of the soft, jelly-like centre of a spinal disc (the nucleus pulposus) pushes through a crack or weak area in the outer layer of the disc. The inner gel material can irritate nearby spinal nerves, which causes pain, weakness, and numbness in the back or legs.

Many things can cause a herniated disc, including improper lifting of heavy objects and twisting while lifting. Obesity and a physically demanding job can also increase the risk of a herniated disc.

7. Cancer

Cancer happens when cells grow out of control and begin to invade and destroy other parts of the body. This process is called metastasis.

This can happen in a number of different types of tumors, both benign and malignant. Benign tumours don’t cause any symptoms, while malignant ones can cause pain or spread to other areas.

Fibroids, a growth made up of muscle and fibrous tissue, can also be a cause of lower back pain in women. They are found around the uterus and can press against nerves in the lower spine.

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